For almost a quarter century, people have asked how over a million copies of a single tips booklet got sold in multiple languages and formats without spending a penny on advertising. While it took a variety of approaches and a lot of things that didn't work, it all came down to a few key elements.

Choices and quantity are among the cornerstones as are persistence, format, and frequency. Once you have choices to offer, you need choices of people to contact. Having enough prospective buyers is a must. Having only ten prospects probably won't work. They will each take however long they take in deciding whether what you have will help them, and then however much longer to actually place the order. It can be weeks or months since they have many other things on their plate and people in their immediate world.

Focusing your efforts on large quantity sales to companies, associations, and other organizations puts you on the path to matching and surpassing the million copy mark. That includes printed copies of your products and licenses of downloads. The associations who say they have no money very likely have potential sponsors who can benefit from subsidizing the purchase. Companies and other organizations may also have potential partners to share the investment. Providing suggestions like those position you as a problem solver and someone who is more attractive for doing business with than merely an order taker.

Being persistent can be tricky though it doesn't have to be. And with large quantity orders and licenses that often have a long decision making process, staying in touch with your contact is crucial. You can send an article you wrote that may be of interest, or let them know the results another client of yours has had that can encourage your future buyer. Riding out the lead time is often worth the wait in the rewards that are delivered with the first sale and those that follow.

A brief, upbeat, relevant "touch" keeps you in front of the person who really does want to buy from you when they are ready and able. The lead time between first talking with them can be instant or longer than you or they might like. They have other people who need to sign off on the idea or pay for it. The budget might be rebooting with the new fiscal year months away. The most ideal fit for your product could be in a promotional campaign that is still a bit in the future. The people who want what you're offering probably have less flexibility to act quickly than you do.

ACTION - Fill your list of likely candidates beyond those you can immediately contact individually so there is always someone else to approach. Some people will be unavailable, some will say no-thank-you (today, anyway), and others will start the exploration with you immediately. Think long-term in the large quantity sales process so it brings you long term results, many of which are recurring rewards.

© 2015

Paulette Ensign, Tips Products International Founder, never dreamed of selling a million+ copies of her 16-page tips booklet 110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life, much less in four languages and various formats without a penny on advertising. She's made a handsome living and cross-country move from New York to San Diego recycling those same 3500 words since 1991. With over forty years' experience worldwide with small businesses, corporations, and professional associations in numerous industries, she and her cat live a mile from the beach, keeping them both young at heart.


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